Daystar Video





Daystar Video Productions, Ltd.

Making Better Videos

Client Guide To Productions

Special Interest Video

Video Photo Tributes

Streaming Media Production and Hosting

Wedding Videography

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Be a Co-Producer of a Specialty Video!


Are you an expert in a particular field--one where you are employed teaching groups of people? Have you considered producing a video on a subject you know well and are sure would sell but gave up on the idea because you were certain you couldn't afford the high costs involved? Do you have a "hot" idea for a video but don't know where to turn to have it produced at a price that will allow you to make some money? If this describes you, then read on--I have some GREAT NEWS!

I can produce your video at little or no cost to you and provide you with low cost, professionally packaged duplicates for as long as you like. I guarantee that you will be delighted at our program to put these tapes in your hands quickly so that you can start making big profits helping those you teach.

Most people who consider producing their own video presentation are frightened off by the high cost. Our methods of production are less than half of the cost, and the best part is, your customers pay all the production costs! That makes it easy for you to go ahead and produce your tape!

How much can you make? Well, your profit on the sale of only 400 tapes is $10,600! I can even offer your tape for sale here on our web site!

This is a legitimate offer, so please, contact me by e-mail (use the mail form) or by letter and I will be happy to provide full details.

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